Gian Franco Bignone
The Last Renaissance Man

Marcela Aguilar y Maya

Isolated, frozen in time and as cared for as the best of secrets, this is Careyes: this little oasis in the Mexican Pacific that invites us to show it off. We owe everything to the patriarch, to the discoverer of these lands more than fifty years ago, Gian Franco Brignone, who, due to his visionary nature, knew that these lands were worth sharing, but only for a few, only for those that they deeply respect and love Mexico, for those who loved and enjoyed life to the fullest, as Gian Franco himself knew how to do.

Today Careyes is a tribute to the beauty, to the aesthetic, to the perfection of nature in harmony with vernacular Mexican architecture. Careyes is a nation of a thousand languages ​​where the official music is the mariachi and margaritas are drunk at sunset. It is here, in Playa Teopa, where the turtles lay their eggs and where the best and most exciting polo matches are played

And it was Gian Franco who imagined Careyes.

A true Renaissance man, creative to the core and passionate like no one else. Prankster, observer and esthete. It was enough to imagine it for it to become a reality in a short time. I remember one day in Playa Rosa, which was his first house, pointing to the rocks of the cliff where he had built his second house, Mi Ojo, said: “there should be a suspension bridge to go to the rock in front”. The next time I was in Careyes, that bridge existed.

History books are full of stories of adventurers in ancient times, discovering lands, creating cities in the jungle, in the mountains, adventurers who set sail in search of new realities and impose their philosophy of life, build castles and form their clan. We were lucky enough to call the last of this strain of Renaissance conquerors a friend, an enlightened and visionary man, creator of dreams, castles in the sea and suspension bridges: Gian Franco Brignone, an immortal man whose spirit will always be Careyes.